Roblox's Next Top Designer

Welcome to Roblox's Next Top Designer (RNTD) founded by liyph, eukyia & PixicaI! Here at RNTD we want to make a safe space for Roblox Designers to express themselves with weekly challenges and help them understand the reality of the competitiveness within marketing yourself and your business. Season one applications have officially closed, but season two applications will be out very shortly!

How Does RNTD Work?

If you pass the casting process, each week you will be assigned some sort of challenge. These can vary from marketing yourself, assigning you a design theme, or anything me and the Judges feel will help you advance your designing career here on Roblox! Each week, one person will win the weekly challenge, and someone will unfortunately be eliminated from the competition. This cycle will repeat until we have our final 3, who will compete in the biggest challenge yet!

Contact Us!

For any questions, comments or concerns click some of our links below to contact us!